all the things I do in my hideaway

I love the zygocactus.  Perhaps you know them better as Christmas cacti.  When my children were young, I bought a Christmas cactus.  I read the directions that came with the cactus and faithfully did everything as instructed.  I followed the directions to encourage blooming the next year…no flowers.  I did the same the next year…no flowers.  One more try…no flowers.  I quit trying, and, eventually, the plant went to that great plant heaven in the backyard – the compost pile.  Fast forward to the second year I was teaching (2004) and a beautiful pink zygocactus.  I couldn’t resist…the price was right…the color was beautiful…the plant was covered with flowers.  One year later, and I totally forget to do anything to encourage blooming.  I barely remember to water the plant occasionally.  Veteran’s Day comes, no school, so I decide to do some housework on a week day.  Dust here I come…and there are buds appearing all over my zygocactus!  Since then, that plant, and four other zygocacti that have joined first one bloom every November and December.  Pink, red/orange, white (with a pink throat), coral, and pale pink flowers provide the backdrop to several small nativity sets each year.

Today, I looked out the window, and spotted color on one of my cacti.  One flower and one bud!  What a beautiful remember of Christmas and the celebration of the birth of my Savior.  Easter is coming…maybe another plant will decide to send out a small reminder of He who created all.

My beautiful reminder of my Savior.

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